Science Educare Web and Mobile Application
Science Equcare
Java Script, Android

Science educare is a web management system for the 11th and 12th students who are really in need of a good teacher and proper study schedule to maintain the streak of their good marks. It is an educational website which allows the student to go beyond their limits and achieve a good score using pre-made schedules and self-made schedules. Science educare is designed under the guidance of an expert teachers team. Science educare gives you a wide range of study materials and expert guidance. It is made for classroom learning where the students can find their comfort and at the same time manage their schedules,can give exams and teachers can evaluate their performance. With exams and schedule, Science educare also maintains the proper record of marks and overall performance of the student so that the student can judge their performance and practice in the needed area.

- Problem with the current online education applications and web applications is that it gives so many advertisements in between, as a result students can easily lose their concentration.
- There are so many online educational facilities which have very high charges and many students can’t afford it and they don’t get proper guidance from an expert to manage their scores.
- Many students in rural areas can’t connect to the experts and get good study material to improve their scores.



Menual Testing


- With science educare, we took care of the advertisement issues as well as the invalid link issues and adult link issues.
- Also by using our app students can get free study materials and export guidance with zero cost.
- Students can manage their schedules and exams according to their timing preferences with their own timings and give their best in each exam.
- Science educare also maintains the proper records of each exam and scores by which students can evaluate their performances.
- We also have mock exam system before and actual exam schedule and after that student can get consulted with expert teacher and give the required attention in required topics.