I Fix Mobile Web Application
I Fix Mobile
Web Application
Java Script

Ifix is the london based online mobile repair system which gives you all the buying and repair solutions. You can buy all types of electronic systems like mobile phones, headphones, laptops, personal computers etcetera. After a certain point of time, the owner decided to let his business flourish the online platform to get more benefits. Online system gives more benefits to the customer to watch their service as well as order accordingly. As of now, they provide their services in half of the landon as well as owning two large showrooms.

- Owing to the current covid situation, they were facing big trouble to get the customers to the shop and get their services, as most of the people were not going out other than getting essential services.
- Online platforms were emerging and getting more benefits with the customer base and services.



Menual Testing

- The online store was the solution which gave wings to Ifix and let it fly with golden shimmers.
- More benefits and a satisfied customer base worked as fuel to their business bringing more profits.
- With Haraxy, we gave them a more manageable platform to handle their business online as well as giving all the required services in one platform.